Featured as a top-rated podcast in Spirituality on Apple Podcasts in Canada & Australia

Follow the links below for the most recent episodes of INTUITIVE SEEK ✨

Mary Treen Mary Treen

Ep.61 January 2023: Energy Impressions

Welcome to 2023! In this episode, I offer my energy impressions for January to help you feel into your intuition and trust your inner guidance with the support of what I feel intuitively for the month ahead. I also chat about connecting to the energy of your intentions for starting something new, like an exercise or workout routine and when I feel that it’s not a good idea. Plus, I finish up this episode by revisiting one of my most popular guided meditations. Carve some time out for my Clarity of Purpose meditation at 30:00. 

I hope you enjoy and please reach out to me with any questions or anything you would love to share! 

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Mary Treen Mary Treen

Ep.60 A Simple 4-Step Morning Routine for Energetic Hygiene + My Thoughts on The Healy Device

Hi Friends! In this episode I thought that this time of year it is easy to lose our energetic & self-care practices. But it's this time of year that we need to take care of our energetic hygiene the most! So, I wanted to share a simple 4-step morning routine that is truly EASY to add to your schedule. I also share my thoughts on the new Healy device. I've had a few people ask me about my opinion & I offer the main reasons why it's not for me. And I hope it gives you some space to think about it critically for yourself & listen to your intuition.  

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Mary Treen Mary Treen

Ep.59 December 2022: Energy Impressions

This episode is here to offer you some clarity, helping you navigate the energy of December 2022 & utilize it so that you can develop even more trust in your intuition. Feeling into the month's energy helps you focus and receive greater clarity. You are meant to SHINE as your unique beautiful self. How can you stay open and expand your light when you feel dimmed - diminished in your expression? How can you trust yourself enough to share your gifts and talents with others, regardless of how it is received? Can you honour the beauty inside of you and all around you this month? If you are manifesting or trying to create something new for yourself & the world - you have to be clear about where you are going & how you feel getting there. Remember that your intuition is not just a tool to help others but to help yourself too! I hope you enjoy it!

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Mary Treen Mary Treen

Ep.58 How Learning the Art of Energy Healing Can Light Up Your Intuition, Strengthen Self-Trust & Beyond

This episode is about what can happen when we follow the pull to learn the art of Reiki/Universal Energy Healing. I dive into how I discovered the incredible benefits of online sessions & I jump into the first journal that I dedicated to my Intuitive and Reiki Healing development - I read a random excerpt that offered beautiful insight into the many lessons in self-trust & following my intuition I received in those early days! I hope it helps to inspire you to TRUST yourself & your intuition. 

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Mary Treen Mary Treen


Hi Friends! I hope you find some clarity in this episode to help you navigate the energy of November 2022 & utilize it so that you can develop even more trust in your intuition. I hope you enjoy it!

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Mary Treen Mary Treen

Ep.56 What IS REIKI? And Part 2 of Heart Healing After Pet Loss, Grief & The Energy of LOVE

✨What IS REIKI? On the new episode of INTUITIVE SEEK I wanted to share more about the concept & experience of Reiki because I’ve had some listener questions like, “What exactly IS Reiki?” 

Then I dive into an update on my healing from the loss of my cat Beau, the grief & how I have felt connected to him in the past 7 months. And this made me remember a metaphysical experience I had to share with you, which made it a longer episode than usual, but I hope it helps you feel connected to your intuition, intuitive gifts, and loved ones!

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Mary Treen Mary Treen

Ep. 55 October 2022: Energy Impressions

Hi Friends! October has some very supportive energy & you are capable of taking advantage of it all! I hope you find some clarity in this episode to help you navigate the month & trust yourself and your intuition! 

PLUS I am hosting a FREE Workshop on October 14th at 3 pm PDT, called SLOW MAJESTY: A Workshop for You to Connect to Your Unique Intuitive Rhythm. I am SO excited to bring this experience to you via Zoom! 

UPDATE: SLOW MAJESTY was such a beautiful experience & send me a message HERE if you’d like to watch the replay!

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Mary Treen Mary Treen

Ep.53 September 2022: Energy Impressions

Ep.52 September 2022: Energy Impressions

Hi Friends! I hope you find some clarity in this episode to help you navigate the month & trust your intuition! This month is offering us so many opportunities to CREATE. I dive into the energies of the month, not as a prediction forecast but as a look to the energy of the month ahead to support you on your path as you lead yourself! How are you staying present and mindful when you’re creating, manifesting & realizing your inspirations in September? 


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Mary Treen Mary Treen

Intuitive Seek Ep.19 Is Your Intuitive Voice Calling For Change?


Ep.19 Is Your Intuitive Voice Calling For Change?

Hi Friends! This week I share about what happened when I rediscovered my emotions & realized that by trusting and responding to them I could hear my intuitive voice much clearer. Especially the "negative" feelings. Which helped me to understand the actions I was feeling called to take. 

I also chat about when we do begin to remember who we are & what we want, that the people around us might not be as supportive as we would like them to be. I also share an experience I had in my past career corporate career, where I was surprised by the reaction to changes I was trying to create. 

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Mary Treen Mary Treen

Intuitive Seek Ep.18 Intuition & Body Image


Ep.18 Intuition & Body Image

Hello! Welcome to episode #18…wow time has really been flying by! This week I felt called to dive right into how our body image can affect our intuition & feeling connected. I share how I realized a deeper connection to my intuition when I started moving away from focusing on specific flaws. 


I also walk you through a fun intuitive exercise to use your imagination as a tool to translate your inner guidance. I hope you enjoy!


Do you have any questions or stories that you would like to share? I’d love to hear from you!

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Mary Treen Mary Treen

Intuitive Seek Ep.17 Transformation Through Trust


Ep.17 Transformation Through Trust

Hello friends! This week I continue to take a deeper look at trust. If we want to allow our authentic intuition and intuitive gifts to take the lead, there is no quicker way than leaning into trust. Without it, there is no transformation.

Trust may feel like a simple and obvious tool, but I do find time and time again that trust is elusive.

Maybe you’re tired of hearing, “Trust yourself,” “Trust the timing,” “Trust your path,” “Trust the obstacles,” and so many other buzz words…but who and what are we trusting? And why can it feel so difficult to land and truly anchor into our trust?

I am personally always learning, but I hope I can offer some insight for you to feel more secure in your ability to trust.


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Mary Treen Mary Treen

Intuitive Seek Ep.16 Can You Receive? Plus A Guided Meditation For Ancestral Connection


Ep.16 Can You Receive? Plus A Guided Meditation For Ancestral Connection

Welcome friends! I start this week chatting about our ability to receive. How we move away from self-trust when we resist or push back on receiving, even a simple compliment. How our ability to fully receive, can be woven through our ancestry. And how practicing receiving can bring us closer to our intuition and our connection. 

After I brought up our ancestral connection to receiving, I felt called to share a guided meditation I created for my clients. This meditation is meant to help you connect to your ancestors and the wisdom you hold inherently. I recorded the meditation without music because I find that music can sometimes distract us from fully dropping into a guided meditation. The meditation starts at 16:32 and you may want to keep something close for taking notes of anything you may experience.

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Mary Treen Mary Treen

Intuitive Seek Ep.15 Capturing Clarity & Heat Wave Lessons


Ep.15 Capturing Clarity & Heat Wave Lessons

Welcome friends! It’s July and I’ve just made it to the other side of an intense heat wave that hit the Pacific North West. This week I felt called to see the lessons that I was taught during the heat wave. How we can learn so much about our intuition and how it speaks to us when we’re experiencing higher stress or more extreme times in our lives. 


I also offer a visualization practice that will help you to listen more clearly to how your intuition is guiding you. 

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Mary Treen Mary Treen

Intuitive Seek Ep.14 Are You Searching In The Right Direction?


Ep.14 Are You Searching In The Right Direction? Plus Listener Questions On Purpose & Meditation

Hi friends! This week is a bit of a mixed bag of intuitive chat. I look back to some “mistakes” I made trying to navigate my purpose & career. How the old thinking that I would be satisfied and fulfilled in the next job or workplace rather than stopping & figuring out that I was searching in the wrong direction. 


I also answer some common questions I’ve received about wondering if you even have a purpose & what to do when you feel like your brain is too busy to meditate. 


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Mary Treen Mary Treen

Intuitive Seek Ep.13 Does Your Intuition Speak Through Your Body?


Ep.13 Does Your Intuition Speak Through Your Body?

Have you ever tried to access your intuition through your physical body? This week I chat about how our body is an important instrument for our inner guidance & intuitive connection.

I’ve found that there can be a disconnection between our intuition and our physical body. Sometimes it can feel like we have to move past our physical body to be able to develop our intuition, but our body is a wealth of untapped guidance.

I talk about listening to the cues from our body – like tension, pain or unease. I felt called to tune into some stress/pain that I was experiencing in my shoulder. Then I walk through how to listen & receive guidance from our body by sharing the steps of how I follow my shoulder tension through the lens of my intuition.

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Mary Treen Mary Treen

Intuitive Seek Ep.12 Unlocking Your Intuition Through Self-Care


Ep.12 Unlocking Your Intuition Through Self-Care

Hello Friends! In this week's episode, I explore the difference between self-care vs. self-help and why I believe they are very different.

Why true self-care can be challenging and how offering ourselves care reveals new depths of our intuition and help to unlock our intuitive guidance.

I also share a story of when I was confronted with a potentially harmful physical representation of my intuition calling for me to care for myself, and my purpose.

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Mary Treen Mary Treen

Intuitive Seek Ep.11 Is Your Impatience A Gift?


Ep.11 Is Your Impatience A Gift?

Thank you so much for joining me for episode 11! Last week I looked deeper into what building trust in our intuition looks like. This really reminded me of how much patience is needed to trust ourselves, how impatience can get in the way of consistent trust in our intuition but it can also lead us back to connection.

I share a recent story about how my impatience during the launch of this podcast taught me some valuable lessons on trust and how releasing control on outcomes can make way for something better.


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Mary Treen Mary Treen

Intuitive Seek Ep.10 Building Trust In Your Intuition


Ep.10 Building Trust In Your Intuition

Hi Friends! This week I take a closer look at building trust in our intuition. How placing trust in our instincts helps us to understand how our intuition speaks to us.

I chat about what happens when we cloud our connection by having misguided expectations or intentions with our intuition. Also, why remembering when we were right to trust ourselves is essential. I share how I followed my instincts in late 2019, which to my surprise, led me to cut alcohol out of my life. 


I also offer a simple Intuitive Trust Exercise at 24:22 to help build your daily trust. 

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Mary Treen Mary Treen

Intuitive Seek Ep.9 Finding Your Purpose


Ep.9 Finding Your Purpose

What is your soul's purpose? This week I felt called to take a closer look at following your intuition to find your purpose. I chat about how our daily stress, unhelpful habits and fear can cloud our vision, keeping us from seeing our purpose.

I share more of my personal experience searching for my purpose by working through emotional hurdles. Stay tuned to the end of this episode, where I offer an exercise to help you gain clarity around the facets of your soul's purpose that you are already living.

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Mary Treen Mary Treen

Intuitive Seek Ep.8 What Do You Need? Deepening Your Connection By Discovering Your True Needs


Ep.8 What Do You Need? Deepening Your Connection By Discovering Your True Needs


This week I dive more into how honouring our needs is a doorway to connecting to our intuition. Which can lead us to realizing the potential of our gifts and our purpose.

I chat about how I used to hear my intuitions call but instead of answering it myself, I’d hand it to someone else. I also felt called to offer some intuitive guidance at the end of the episode to help you navigate through our collective energy.

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