Welcome to treenlight healing.
Scroll down to explore how I can support you or you can send me a message HERE
How Can I Support You?
In this 90-minute 1:1 intuitive healing session, you'll receive deeply helpful energetic clearing, support & soul guidance. Where your unique energy takes centre stage, offering a profound intuitive energy healing experience for all levels of your well-being.
This 60-minute 1:1 reading will give you deep clarity and intuitive guidance by connecting with the wisdom in your unique energy field, including practical steps for grounded results.
Your 4-month 1:1 transformative journey is Grounded & Co-Created for Your Soul’s Unique Needs, Gifts, Desires, Purpose & Life Path
This is life-changing soul work with practical and grounded results. Come home to yourself and leap into your purpose.
Zero screens or phones needed: Receive support for all levels of your energy from a distance, offering you soothing, supportive & calming Reiki healing. Including valuable intuitive insight and guidance sent in a detailed recap after your booked session.
Maybe you’re moving through the loss of a loved one or a beloved pet. I provide personalized emotional & spiritual support services as an EOL Doula. Grief support to help you through deep loss in your life.