The I.D. Journey

The Intuitive Dream Journey

Did you know that our intuition speaks to us through our dreams?

When we connect to our dreams' unique and personal symbolism, we can experience incredible clarity, growth and change reflected in our waking life.

Simple, POWERFUL and healing.

Offering you grounded symbolism, guidance and clarity on what your intuition needs you to know.

This is not the traditional psychology of your dreams - most famous from Freud, Jung & the common 12 archetypes.

You can find many books and quick Google searches available at your fingertips to help you understand dream symbolism. What has been researched, their meaning for others, and sometimes it resonates.

What I’ve found through my intuitive energy work is that the gold is in connecting to the specific language of your intuition through the energy of your dreams.

Learning and understanding how to interpret your dreams is an incredibly valuable tool to have for the rest of your life!

Intuitive dream reflection has been a big part of my 1:1 healing sessions. And over the past few months, I’ve been offering this new stand-alone service to a few clients & one of them offered a look into their experience,

“Your interpretations are always spot on, I’m so grateful for you and I am so grateful that I have the knowledge from the dreams to navigate my life. It doesn’t necessarily make it easier, but easier to understand. I feel more grounded, validated and blown away by my intuition.”

Their experience is why I now offer a 1-month energetic dream container for you to deep-dive into your dreams.

Throughout The I.D. Journey, you send me your dreams - by email or voice message. Then I translate and intuitively reflect your dreamscape by voice note 💌

Treat it like an interactive dream journal that speaks back to you!

The depth, magic & transformations that this 1:1 dream work creates are undeniable.

Plus, I absolutely love supporting you this way! It lights me up to translate the unique symbolism of your dreams as you describe them.

As one of my I.D. clients said,

I’m like your Intuitive Dream Fairy Godmother🪄✨

I offer a free dream trial because I feel this unique form of dream reflection is best experienced personally to ‘get it.’

Don’t worry if you don’t have a dream to interpret yet. Save or bookmark this LINK for when you do.

Please reach out with any questions; I’m excited to reflect the wisdom of your dreams!

Price for One-Month: CAD $330