This month you may feel a spark that has been growing and is ready to light up something new.

But this energy can also create an untethered experience - sometimes a bit chaotic.

This is the time to get back to your routines and practices.

What specifically helps you to feel grounded?

Grounding will be your superpower as you move through the month.

Look for ways to come back -

Come back to your breath.

Come back to your stillness.

Come back to your boundaries.

Come back to yourself.

Come back to knowing what is yours and most importantly, what is not.

Tend to yourself like a garden ready to bloom and make sure you know where your roots are.

This is a month for connection.

Intuitive Animal Insight: PUFFIN

The puffin represents the energy of:

  • Inherited Wisdom

  • Enduring Love

  • Sacral Healing

  • Abundance

  • Natural Talents and Resources

  • Sensitivity 

  • Cooperation

  • Freedom

  • Inner Strength

  • Communicating with All of your Senses/Body Language

Intuitive Soul Question:

  • How can you allow a little bit more of yourself to BE YOU or maybe A LOT? What’s in the way of allowing you to be you?