1. What is Intuitive Reiki?

  2. How do Intuitive & Empathic gifts support you?

  3. Do virtual sessions really work?

  4. What is Energy Healing?

  5. If I want to receive the transformational aspects of The KEY, why do I have to commit to 4-months for the 12-sessions? Could I stretch out our sessions?

  6. Is a Clarity Session necessary? I’m nervous to talk on the phone for a consultation because I don’t want to be sold to.

  7. What should I expect during a session?

  8. Is there a big difference between a 1:1 Virtual Session & a booking of a Distant Healing?

  9. Does everything I share privately stay confidential?

  10. What results should I expect?

  11. What does it feel like?

  12. I am not a very spiritual person, do I need to believe in Reiki or God to receive the benefits of my sessions?

  13. How do I start a podcast?